Kronplatz AssToGrass Week
Speedflying footlaunch course. Only for pilots with previous footlaunch experience.
The course starts in:

Speedflying footlaunch course. Only for pilots with previous footlaunch experience.
The course starts in:
Kronplatz is offering us really nice proximity flying terrain with easy cable car access from both sides. There are steep lines for speedwings to the north and flat lines for moustaches on the south side. If you want you can do more than 10 flights a day. This week is great to learn to fly proximity, since we get a lot of laps on the same line. We have the main line to start and the advance line, which has sharp turns and tight passages.
Kronplatz is flyable very often normally, so we normally get more than enough flying done in this week. This is why Stefansdorf is our base, where we stay.
If we have a weather day, chances you feel like you just want to relax your legs are quite high. Running down mountains needs different muscles, so your legs likey will be sore. Just 500m away from the landing, there is the Cron4 Spa, which has more Saunas than one can take in a day, it’s an amazing place and it’s only 18 euros with the guest card from our apartment.
Speedfly some of the coolest lines out there and spend a great week with other like minded people.
We plan to drive down from Interlaken on Saturday early morning and plan to drive back Sunday lunchtime, so we can still fly Saturday afternoon and Sunday morning.
Flying asstograss all week on the north and south side of Kronplatz. If wind allows we might do a day in Helm also.
We want you to have a solid take off and landing technique on your speedwing. This is not a beginner course, we focus mostly on flying techniques and new lines, not on basics. You should have at least 100 footlaunch flights on your speedwing.
You need to have your own liability insurance for speedflying. And we strongly recommend you to have a accident insurance that will cover speedflying as well.
We are renting a AirBnb close by and share the costs. If you wanna stay in your van, you can. Normally you can stay on the carpark from the cable car without getting hassled. The Airbnb is really nice and only 30 euros per night / person.