Ozone Ozo 2 naked
Some pilots really liked the Ozo 1 and have cut off the backpack. So it’s great to have a Ozo 2 naked now… We think Ozone has chosen a really good material for the harness. It’s light, packs down small, yet it is still very durable and cheap. The Ozo2 naked is the cheapest string harness we have! There are even 3 sizes. The M feels already a bit small for a 173cm pilot, we recommend to try one size bigger as well and see how you feel. A bigger string harness gives you more leg support and a higher back suporrt, specially when you fly with a heavy backpack this is important.
What we like about the Ozo 2 naked
- light
- packs down small
- very durable
- Very good built quality
Good to know
- Cut is rather small
- Comes with speedbar, but no carabiners
- Comes without a bag to store it
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